Microscope In This World Kingdom
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ars ludi
The Layer Cake of Gaming
Every time we sit down to play a role-playing game, we build this layer cake, stacking each level upon the previous one: First we decide what our game is about. What are the themes… Apr 26
West Marches: Finding the Dungeons
There was a question in the comments about whether a West Marches GM should tell the players where the dungeons are or make them go out and search. Players having the free will to … Apr 24
“I’ve got the big wrenches out, I’m gonna go smash the machines”
I had a great time talking to Justin Gary on his Think Like A Game Designer podcast. Justin includes a great text outline of some of the big topics we hit on the web page, includin… Apr 17
A Microscope For The People
In a previous post I talked about the issues with scenes in Microscope. Issues that often lead players to avoid scenes, which (I think) robs you of the full experience of seeing ho… Apr 10